
This section deals with the datastructures used by the dataloggers. The same structures appear in almost every part of of the devices, such as:

  • They drive the website presented by the device for monitoring, configuration and so on. The single-page-applications javascript code decodes the data on the fly.

  • Data and configuration backup and restore

  • Data transfer to WEB-Enerest™

Head over to the Web-API page for more information about how to interact with the API endpoints /getjp and /setjp.


The focus of this project is data extraction and the setjp endpoint is largely ignored.

This project is focusing on getting data out of the device and ignores the setjp endpoint. The structures are indexed from 100 up to the 900s. The main overview page of the data structures contains the entire index as far as it has been discovered, branching out to individual subpages for large data structures.