SLMON Documentation

This documentation covers the software slmon that can be used to query data from a Solar-Log™ data logger made by Solare Datensysteme GmbH. It also contains information about the data format used by the data logger itself.

Neither the software nor the documentation are in any way affiliated with or supported by Solare Datensysteme GmbH! Do not ask them for support if there are questions about the software or documentation. Solar-Log™ and WEB Enerest™ are trademarks of Solare Datensysteme GmbH.

The projects comes with the usual disclaimers attached, see the file LICENSE.txt in the source code repository and continue on your own risk.

If you have questions or if there are problems, please use the projects public issue tracker.


What is slmon?

slmon is an application that interfaces with a Solar-Log™, queries data and stores that data in a timeseries database. It is written in Python and implemented as a daemon that runs continuously and periodically queries a Solar-Log™. The data is then, depending on the configuration, dumped to disk or written to an InfluxDB.

What is a Solar-Log™?

Solar-Log™ data loggers are - as the name implies - devices that interface with various other components such as solar inverters, heat-pumps and energy meters and log their data in a time series database. The data logger can display the information (depending on the model) on a local touch screen, an internet page in the local network, or to a WEB Enerest™ portal provided by the company to endusers such as home owners. The devices can also interface with other equipment such as wallboxes or intelligent power strips and enable or disable devices depending on the amount of solar energy available.

While writing SLMON, a closer look was taken at the data loggers web interface. The results and findings have been documented:

Why was slmon written?

While the data loggers are very much capable of collecting, storing and displaying data, as well as performing complex calculations based on historical data, the author noticed a lack of possibilities to integrate it with other devices.

The author has grown accustomed to having colourful dashboards and monitoring solutions and could not integrate all information that the data logger collected: The only information readily available is the Open JSON format and the ModbusTCP interface that provide only a subset of the available data. For example, there is a distinct lack of information about the battery charge. So the author set out to figure out how the data was displayed on the website generated by the data logger at hand, the documentation you’re reading is the result.

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